Mexican smugglers have used tunnels, cars, boats and even the human body in attempts to sneak drugs past U.S. agents in an endless cat-and-mouse game on the U.S.-Mexico border. Now smugglers have devised a new invention to ferry their contraband over the nearly militarized border: cannons. An air-powered cannon fires bags of illegal drugs into the air from Mexico and plops them on U.S. soil, for nighttime retrieval by conspirators, U.S. authorities said Thursday. Mexican authorities recently confiscated one such cannon in the bed of a pickup truck in Mexicali, police there said. Mexicali shares the international boundary with Calexico, California.
        This is a new crazy way to smuggle drugs into the U.S. I think that it is kind of smart and stupid. It is a new idea but at the same time you can get into huge trouble for that. I wouldn't risk anything to smuggle drugs illegally into the United States. It is good though that the police officers are cracking down on the people who are doing this. Hopefully they stop a lot of it because some of the drugs that they smuggle can kill somebody. There can also be drug wars which are not good at all. The police just has to be on the lookout.

A massive winter storm spanning 20 states could dump as much as a foot and a half of snow in some places Thursday and could affect central United States. About 60 million people of the U.S. population are under winter weather warnings, watches and advisories. " were in the middle of a bull's eye," said CNN meteorologist Chad Myers. The state should see 16 to 18 inches of snow west of Wichita, with the white stuff continuing up into Nebraska. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared
a state of emergency. Snow, sleet and ice could wreak havoc, and parts of the state could see more than 10 inches of snow.
    That is a lot of snow. there will probably be a lot of highways, schools, interstates, and jobs cancled. I hope our school gets delayed or cancled. That is really bad how they said some places are getting 10-16 inches of snow. They will probably do something about all this snow. They should take it all to Clear Lake and put it all in the lake. If CL gets a lot of snow, then that will help our lake. This storm has and will cause A LOT of problems for people. Hopefully everyone is alright. Peace.
by: Josh Levs and Ben Brumfield

It's not going to crash here, but it's still exciting! An asteroid made its closest pass by Earth at around 2:24 p.m. ET, flying about 17,200 miles above Earth’s surface. It’s estimated to be about 150 feet (45 meters) across with an estimated mass of 130,000 metric tons. The flyby was the closest ever predicted for an object this large, according to NASA.  The asteroid, called 2012 DA14, flew between Earth and the satellites that ring the planet 22,200 miles up. Scientists think there may be 500,000 asteroids the size of 2012 DA14, but fewer than 1% have been located.
    Some people are afraid of the asteroids. I am not. People also think that NASA should search for other asteroids that could hit our Earth, I agree. I bet everyone agrees. It would be nice to know if there are any asteroids coming towards Earth.NASA is doing a great job, I believe, by trying to locate more asteroids. I just hope none come by Earth. That would not be good,
       He'd bought a gun and learned how to use it. He'd loaded three magazines. And he had stopped by Chick-fil-A to pick up 15 sandwiches, which he planned to smear in the dying faces of staffers he expected to kill at the Family Research Council in Washington. "against the people who work in that building," according to documents filed in U.S. District Court, where Corkins pleaded guilty on Wednesday to three charges related to the August shooting at the conservative policy group. Corkins told Judge Richard Roberts that he hoped to intimidate gay rights opponents. The shooting came amid intense debate over remarks against gay marriage by an executive with the Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A restaurant chain and the company's support is a no to gay rights.

             The good thing is that the guy didin't get the chance to shoot anybody. People are getting crazy with guns. They are the reason that we are trying to get new gun laws. Corkins wanted to shoot them for a dumb reason. Who cares that they are against gay rights. That is a terrible way to get into trouble. He deserves whatever he gets.

       I feel that parents should do something different with their guns to get them away from their kids. They need to be more creative instead of having it in the closet of their house. If people dont change their ways, then I believe that we might have new gun laws. That can affect a lot of people. But Corkins looks like an adult. So if any adult wants to buy a gun, he probably can. I dont know how we can make gun laws against that.

 An explosion rocked the offices of Mexico's state oil company Thursday, killing at least 14 people and injuring dozens more, the country's interior minister said. At least 80 people were injured in the Mexico City blast. Dozens of people were trapped in the building after the blast. Rescuers were searching for survivors in basement of the large office tower. "People were screaming. ... You could see pieces of the wall falling to the ground," said Joaquin Borrell Valenzuela, an attorney for the Pemex comptroller's office who was in a courtyard outside the building at the time of the blast. The blast prompted an evacuation of personnel from the Pemex offices, a company spokesman told Notimex. A large plume of smoke rose near the office tower after the explosion.
     I think that is bad that the explosion took place. It sucks that a lot of people got hurt and killed. I wish the families are doing fine. Explosions like that don't happen very often. I believe that people should be more careful. Also that they should now make the company's place more better to work in. It could of been a lot worse than it was. I do feel bad. They didnt release any details how that happened. 

       I guess that they will help the people who got injured and make it a better working place. Hopefully no explosions happen again like this. This was pretty bad, and somebody should step in and help. byEyder Peralta


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is crazy. North Korea said that they will plan to carry out a nuclear test. Also a long range rocket test, which will be a new phase of confrontation against the U.S. The North's National Deffense said the moves would feed into an "upcoming all-out action" that would target the United States, "the sworn enemy of the Korean people." Here are some Quotes people have said: U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said Thursday there are no "outward indications" that North Korea is about to conduct a nuclear test, but he admitted it would be hard to determine
that in advance."They have the capability, frankly, to conduct these tests in a way that makes it very difficult to determine whether or not they are doing it," he said in a Pentagon press conference.
    I don't know what to think. North Korea and their leader are crazy. They are great enemies and I feel that they want to put a nuclear bomb on us. I feel we should act against the Koreans. But I think that our government has a plan in mind. Maybe, if we react, it will set North Korea off. I think another war could happen again because of the North Korea. I don't know what Barack Obama is thinking. I just hop the government has a good plan.
CNN's K.J. Kwon reported from Seoul, and Jethro Mullen from Hong Kong.
CNN's David Hawley in Seoul contributed to this report.
The flu has hit some states hard. Like Massachusetts, 18 people have already died this winter. 47 out of our 50 states say the the flu is getting serious. Germs are spreading and people are not being safe about this. People say the flu shot is your bet chanse for not catching the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend you should get one.    
    This year`s flu shot is made from three flu viruses, one of which is new to this year's vaccine. The flu shot cannot give you the flu, but some side effects are possible, including a runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, and mild fever. I think everyone should get a flu shot because the flu in starting to get more serious, so more people should take action. Some people say "The worst in a decade." Emergency Rooms are being filled by this outbreak. Not even at its peak yet, the season “is stacking up to be moderate to severe,” Tom Skinner, a spokesperson for the CDC, said.
“In the past 10 years we have seen just two or three like it,” he said, according to the New York Daily News.
By: Dr. Michael Jhung, a CDC flu expert

A "sea pool" is constructed along the rocky coast, has refreshing water in the Cornish village of Mousehole. They are around 50m long, and heated by the sun around 84 degrees F. These pools are filled with sea water at high tide, and were populaur in the U.K. during the 1930s. Today, about 30 are still in use.
    Some people think that since the sea pool is sea water, that somebody could put a 'deadly fish'. That makes no sense. Why would somebody think of that. I wouldn't do that and I think that nobody else would either. But they are still going to keep the sea pools up because they a great place where people can see what other people 100 years ago made and liked. Compiled by Oliver Merrington
Waterbeach, Cambridge.